The ServiceTrade Accounting Connector seamlessly integrates service management data from ServiceTrade with accounting information in Foundation to:
- Eliminate double data entry.
- Improve the speed and accuracy of payroll and accounting.
Learn more about ServiceTrade:
ServiceTrade makes software as a service applications for commercial service contractors. Contractors use ServiceTrade’s mobile and web applications to streamline service operations, sell more services, and engage customers online to earn revenue growth averaging over 23% year-over-year. Since its 2012 founding, ServiceTrade has been trusted by more than 800 commercial contractors to run their service business. Find more at www.servicetrade.com.
www.servicetrade.comLooking to integrate your construction software with Foundation?
We’re always looking to work with other leaders in construction software. If you’re interested in developing a partnership or integration with Foundation Software’s family of products, let’s chat to see what we can build together.
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