

CrewTracks and Foundation Software work together beautifully

CrewTracks makes it easy to collect field data about:

  • Labor Time by Cost Code
  • Equipment Time by Cost Code
  • Material Usage by Cost Code

Office staff can view this data in real-time using our web app, and Foundation Software’s import genies make it simple to keep all the data up-to-date in your ultimate source of truth: your accounting software.

Here’s a quick preview of how it works.


Why CrewTracks?

Our customers use CrewTracks for real-time updates about daily production, jobsite notes and photos, document submissions, and even daily variance tracking to see if they’re making or losing money each day. This immediate access to data allows project managers to make adjustments in the moment instead of getting information when it’s too late.

Plus, with all that data neatly organized in CrewTracks, running payroll becomes a breeze.

At a training meeting for Brazos and Legacy Masonry, CEO Mackie Bounds asked Payroll Administrator Jenny Thomasson, “Jenny, how many hours per week does CrewTracks save you on payroll?” Her response was a testament to CrewTracks’ commitment to efficiency:

“CrewTracks saves me two to three days per week.”

Jenny uses Foundation Software to run payroll, and she loves it. The problem was all the data coming in from the field was not integrated with Foundation. She had to manually enter payroll information for 400+ employees every week. After implementing CrewTracks, Jenny said, “I now have time to do applicant things, like applications and I-9’s and insurance, and different things for our employees that I didn’t have time [for] before because I was always doing just payroll.”

You can hear Jenny’s thoughts on CrewTracks at the 5-minute mark in the video below.


At CrewTracks, every customer has a point of contact they know by name, and that starts the first time you reach out to us. Give it a try. Call us at 801-742-5555, option 1. An account manager will get to know your needs, and if CrewTracks is a fit, you’ll be working with that same account manager during your onboarding process and throughout the (hopefully) many years we have the privilege of serving your company.

We would love to hear from you.

Learn How We Work Together

Looking to integrate your construction software with Foundation?

We’re always looking to work with other leaders in construction software. If you’re interested in developing a partnership or integration with Foundation Software’s family of products, let’s chat to see what we can build together.

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