37 Years Serving the Construction Industry
Professional Bio:
As a CPA liaison, John is vital in introducing firms with a construction emphasis to Foundation Software and its products — chiefly FOUNDATION® construction accounting software and payroll processing service Payroll4Construction. He also works to help connect CPAs with continuing education and training opportunities.
John first began his relationship with Foundation Software over 20 years ago, building up a young CICPAC organization from a small group of firms into a national network serving over 11,000 contractors.
He served as national president of Construction Financial Management Association (CFMA) and founding president of its Valley of the Sun Chapter (Phoenix), receiving numerous awards in the process. He is a current member of AICPA Construction Industry Conference Committee, Journal of Construction Accounting and Taxation advisory board, and alliantgroup’s Strategic Advisory Board.
Personal Bio:
- To continue growing the relationships between industry CPAs and Foundation Software

I have been fortunate to work in an industry where I have made many lifelong friendships.
John Corcoran – CPA Liaison
Foundation Software
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