AuthorFoundation Software
February 28, 2023
Read Time: Less than 8 Mins
Last Modified: December 19, 2024

Job costing is a methodical way for construction companies to keep track of all the costs involved in completing a project. With the proper job costing system in place, contractors can quickly narrow down which projects make the most profit ā€” or cause the biggest losses.

Key Takeaways

  • By categorizing costs, contractors can effectively track them, minimize overruns and enhance profitability.
  • Job costing is made up of jobs, phases, cost codes and cost
  • Jobs refer to the entire project
  • Phases are broad steps that are taken to complete the project.
  • Cost codes are associated with the individual tasks that must be completed during each phase
  • Cost classes categorize cost codes and help contractors understand exactly where money is being spent on a project
  • Contractors who leverage leading construction accounting software ā€” like FOUNDATIONĀ® ā€” can easily perform job costing and review information in real-time reports to make adjustments before eclipsing their budget

While a projectā€™s entire cost can be found by adding together prices for labor, material and general overhead, these can be broken down further into smaller sub-categories.

For example, the cost of materials can be divided into the cost of raw materials ā€” like plywood and sheet metal ā€” and the cost to use required equipment. Job costing allows you to know exactly where all your costs come from on a given job.

UG to Job Costing

When you start a new job, youā€™ll already have your estimated cost from your bid, but that number is liable to change as you move to complete the project.

From unexpected delays and material shortages to fluctuating gas prices, each project has several moving parts that can impact the overall financial burden of the job.

Effective job costing can help you keep track of it all.

There are four key terms frequently used in job costing:

  • Jobs
  • Phases
  • Cost codes
  • Cost classes

Diagram with jobs, phases, cost codes and cost classes

While these terms may differ depending on the software or system you use, the concepts behind them remain the same.

There are manyĀ terms and phrasesĀ to learn when it comes to construction accounting in general, and job costing is no different.

But donā€™t worry, weā€™re here to help.

What Are Jobs in Construction Job Costing?

Jobs sit at the top of the funnel because they define the entire project. Letā€™s say your company has been contracted to construct a brand-new grocery store: ā€œBobā€™s Grocer.ā€

Bobā€™s Grocer would be considered the ā€œjob.ā€ Everything related to completing the project ā€” from start to finish ā€” will ultimately fall under this ā€œjobā€ category.

This category should be dedicated to only defining the job. By categorizing this information, your company can more effectively juggle several different projects at once.

Every cost ā€” from labor and materials to equipment and overhead expenses ā€” will be attributed to the job as we move down the funnel. A dedicated job category will help you visualize the income and expenditures associated with the job.

You can see the start of our job costing funnel below, beginning with our job:

Bob's Grocer at the job level

What Are Phases in Construction?

Phases are the second category and the next tier down on the funnel. Each job can be divided into several different phases.

ā€œPhasesā€ can be thought of as the essential, broad steps that must be taken before a construction project is complete. A single phase may be made up of several different tasks.

Phases are completed in the same order for every project. For example, you cannot begin to frame a building before you excavate the land and complete the foundation work.

Letā€™s look at our example: when youā€™re constructing Bobā€™s Grocer, you have to:

Phase One: Complete site preparation and excavation

Phase Two: Move onto foundation work

Phase Three: Frame the building (phase three) and complete the rough plumbing, electrical and HVAC work

You will continue to complete new phases until the project is complete. The number of phases and sub-phases your job will have will depend on the complexity of the project.

In our ā€œBobā€™s Grocerā€ example, we can continue to divide the project into many different specific phases including:

Phase Four: Installing drywall and flooring

Phase Five: Instating final touches such as landscaping and painting

Phase Six: Commissioning and final inspection

To keep our example simple and easy to follow, weā€™ll only divide the project into three very broad phases:

  1. Excavation
  2. Construction
  3. Finalization

Each of these three ā€œphasesā€ would start a smaller funnel under the broad job title of ā€œBobā€™s Grocer.ā€ You can see where weā€™re at in our job costing journey below:

Bob's Grocer with job and phases

What Are Cost Codes in Construction?

Within each phase, youā€™ll find several cost codes.

Cost codes in construction are aligned with the individual tasks you must complete as you move through each phase. Everything that goes into completing each phase is a cost code.

For example, if weā€™re completing the foundation work phase, we might have eight cost codes:

  1. Site work
  2. Forming
  3. Mixing
  4. Placement
  5. Early finishing
  6. Troweling
  7. Final finishing
  8. Curing

Letā€™s look at the construction phase for ā€œBobā€™s Grocerā€. In order to move through this phase, you must complete several tasks such as pouring concrete, framing and drywalling. Each of these tasks will have its own cost code.

Of course, completing the construction phase of the project will require more than just these three tasks, but for ease of understanding, letā€™s assume thatā€™s all that must be done.

Within our funnel chart, each cost code will be a new branch that stems from its respective phase. In this example, we now have three cost codes branching out from our construction phase.

Bob's Grocer with job, phases and cost codes

What Are Cost Classes in Construction?

Cost classes conclude our funnel chart and branch out beneath each cost code.

All cost codes in construction can generally be divided into a few major cost class categories. Some of the more common categories include:

  • Labor
  • Materials
  • Subcontractors
  • Equipment
  • Labor burden
  • Other

While these cost codes are used by FOUNDATION, cost code names will vary depending on the system and software being used.

Cost classes allow contractors to calculate the monetary amount required to complete a project and help them understand exactly where their money is going.

Going back to our ā€œBobā€™s Grocerā€ example, letā€™s consider the framing cost code. This cost code can be broken down into the six cost classes.

Letā€™s say we get to the end of constructing Bobā€™s Grocer and realize the project went over budget. We can dive into our cost classes to discover where the money went.

In this example, letā€™s assume we budgeted $500,000 to frame Bobā€™s Grocer.

When we look into our cost classes, we see that we paid our laborers $200,000 to complete the project, spent $100,000 on materials, and had $50,000 in equipment costs. Halfway through framing, we realized we were behind schedule and had to bring in subcontractors to whom we paid a total of $250,000.

Bob's Grocer with the job, phases, cost codes and cost classes

Looking at this cost class, we can see we spent a total of $600,000 drywalling Bobā€™s Grocer. This means we went $100,000 over budget on framing. We can use this information to ensure we are charging the correct amount for our service. This knowledge can also help us to price our next project more appropriately.

How Can Accounting Software Help with Job Costing?

Construction accounting software ā€” like FOUNDATION ā€” can help to remove the margin of error that costs construction companies thousands. Our technology removes the guesswork from job costing, giving you and your crew one less thing to worry about.

Between jobs, phases, cost codes and cost classes, thereā€™s a lot to keep track of when it comes to job costing in construction. Whether you operate your own crew or look after the books for a larger company, itā€™s important to realize that construction accounting has a lot of moving parts and requires considerations that other industry professionals donā€™t need to worry about.

With proper job costing, Bobā€™s Grocer could have been completed on-budget. Specialized construction accounting software could have provided frequent job costing reports that would allow managers to connect overages to exact details on the job. Had this been the case, managers could have taken timely steps to reduce or mitigate the $100,000 overage on framing.

Paired with a proper job costing system, construction accounting software could have helped to keep Bobā€™s Grocer from encountering this last-minute budgeting crisis.

It can be hard to keep things in order, especially when your focus is divided. Out in the field, your attention is on completing a high-quality job that your client will love. Finishing tasks on time is another concern.

Watch a Demo

With all these things in mind, it can be easy to let job costing slip by the wayside or settle for general estimates and rough numbers. But accurate job costing with FOUNDATION helps keep projects on budgetā€” something you, your employees and your client will appreciate.

Explore how FOUNDATION can simplify your job costing by taking a free tour today.

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