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Last Modified: January 14, 2025

For construction firms, implementing new construction accounting software solutions isnā€™t as simple as installing your favorite browser on a new computer. Because it has so many moving pieces and touches so many different parts of your office, itā€™s much more of a process than a simple download and a ā€œHow-Toā€ video.

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But this process shouldnā€™t intimidate you ā€” there are plenty of best practices to help ensure your implementation is successful long-term. Its elements include:

  • Starting early
  • Setting expectations
  • Taking the time to do it right
  • Leveraging teamwork
  • Getting the help you need
  • Plenty of practice with the construction accounting software

Below weā€™ll explore each of these best practices and how they can help you have long-term success with your construction accounting software.

Key Takeaways:

  • One of the first steps in construction accounting software implementation involves speaking with vendorsā€™ sales staffs and watching product webinars and demos.
  • Set aside time to meet with your team to discuss your companyā€™s needs and expectations before talks progress with the vendor.
  • Understand that the implementation process normally takes two to three months and try to plan implementation when your company is less busy. Include your team in the implementation process and allow key stakeholders to ask questions. This will help create more buy in from your team ā€” allowing for a smoother implementation.
  • Communicate your intention to implement construction accounting software to your CPA to ensure they have time to review your finances and ask questions.

1. Starting Your Construction Implementation Process Early

The implementation process begins way before your integrated construction accounting software purchase. When looking for new construction accounting software, speak with a few different vendors. You can begin by viewing:

  • Product webinars
  • Video demos
  • Live online demonstrations

But donā€™t forget to have direct conversations with their sales staff. Find out details about how supportive theyā€™ll be as a vendor and a partner with your company ā€” not just when you first implement but as you continue to master these advanced solutions and dig into new functionality and modules years later.

Involve your companyā€™s users early in the decision process. When introducing new software, feelings of discomfort, fear of change and perceived loss of control are common. Bring your staff into the conversation and allow them to bring their concerns to the table as everyday users. This can help generate buy-in, which makes software implementation easier.

Finally, inform users early in the process of whatā€™s about to take place and what to expect during the transition. This can smooth out any hesitance they may have and gives them the opportunity to ask questions. Only proceed with implementation once youā€™ve made the right choice for your construction business and received buy-in from your staff.

2. Setting Expectations for Your Construction Accounting Software

Successful software implementation also hangs on setting goals and expectations based around questions like:

  1. What does your company do?
  2. What does your company need?
  3. What processes would you like to improve?
  4. What are the ideal ways of getting data from point A to point B in your workflow?

Itā€™s important to sit down with your team and prepare these answers before meeting with vendors to discuss new construction accounting software.

Working with a construction accounting software specialist to structure your software according to your specific business requirements is crucial. Companies avoid many issues with their construction accounting system by making sure itā€™s set up properly for them and their goals. This will help ensure a smooth transition.

When you and your trainers meet for the first time, each needs to state their expectations of the process and each other clearly ā€” especially when it comes to timing.

3. Time Matters

The reality is it takes time to learn new software and process what youā€™ve learned. Being clear about timing expectations means that ā€œgoing liveā€ on the new construction accounting system will, in most cases, occur no sooner than two to three months after installing it.

Additional training and a solid understanding of business processes will be needed as your team adapts.

Beyond the sessions with trainers, there will also be homework. Talk with your trainer and team early on in the process to get an idea of how much time youā€™ll need to commit weekly.

Along with the time it takes to go through the process, itā€™s important to also consider the time of year. If youā€™re thinking about implementing new construction accounting software system during your busiest time of year, you might want to think again. That said, depending on where your business is located, the time of year may not matter if youā€™re busy year-round. Still, youā€™ll want to account for your business cycles, holidays and staff availability.

4. Teamwork Makes the Construction Implementation Work

The time youā€™re setting aside for the implementation process also depends on the team you establish. Some companies have only one person involved in the implementation process.

That can work, if and only if theyā€™re certain they have enough time to handle the process alone and will be the only day-to-day end user. Often, this isnā€™t the case.

When working as a team to implement the new construction accounting software, having complete buy-in and support from all players is crucial ā€” from ownership to end user. If everyone isnā€™t on the same page, the whole process can be a struggle.

On the vendorā€™s end, your trainer will serve as the point person on a larger team of professionals assisting with the process.

If you have multiple individuals on your side, designate a point person on your team as well so that someone is taking ownership of communication and making sure assignments move forward to completion.

5. Get All the Support You Need

In addition to the people on your office teams and implementation specialists, many times help from external sources can be extremely beneficial.

Involve your construction CPA early on and at least at a high level. Theyā€™ll need to go over elements like:

  • The chart of accounts and G/L setup
  • Your books to see if anything needs to be cleaned up before moving into the new system
  • Their expectations for the new construction software solution

Hiring temporary help to assist with data entry or other daily tasks can be a major asset as well, especially if the implementation team on your end is a party of one.

Getting new construction accounting software system in place, learning it and running your office as normal is overwhelming for one person to handle. You wouldn’t have one person handling a construction project; likewise, having a team involved with the implementation can help make it a clean transition for your construction company. You can also check to see if bookkeeping support is something your construction accounting software vendor can help with as a service.

Understanding accounting features is crucial for long-term success.

Putting It All Together with FOUNDATIONĀ®

Implementation is a collaborative process that builds a solid foundation. It is a constant back-and-forth discussion between your team and your vendorā€™s team. Expect construction accounting software to be a soft-customized solution, not a one-size-fits-all package.

After you speak with representatives about your business and the reporting and modules to meet your needs, you can adjust before implementation truly begins. Once testing is underway, you can continue to adjust if necessary.

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Setting realistic expectations and making informed decisions from the very beginning, understanding that itā€™s a long-term commitment to grow into the construction accounting software, and having the right people and processes in place will start you off on the right track to successful implementation.

Begin the conversation today by scheduling a live demo with FOUNDATIONĀ®.

Foundation Softwareā€™s sales and implementation teams have decades of experience supporting construction contractors and ensuring theyā€™re getting the most out of our construction accounting.

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