FOUNDATION Helps Keep You ACA Compliant
Foundation Software has worked hard to deliver a series of functions, features and reports that help keep contractors on top of their Affordable Care Act (ACA) requirements.
Confused about calculating your ALE status?
Check Your “ALE” Status
Help determine your responsibility under the ACA as an applicable large employer.
Track Employee Hours
Our specially designed worksheets and reports let you stay on top of employee hours to know exactly who classifies as full-time and when.
Time Your Offers of Coverage
Take advantage of our measurement reports to see which eligible employees are due for offers of affordable minimum-value coverage.
Print/Electronic 1094-C & 1095-C
Automatically generate the required IRS forms right from FOUNDATION using your system’s data.
Frequently Asked Questions
The Affordable Care Act is a health care reform law created to make affordable health insurance coverage more accessible.
See What Foundation Software
can do for You!
Start building a better back office. Schedule a personal demo of our software to see how we can improve your business’s productivity.